Sunday, February 7, 2010

Egg White Cervical Mucus Early Pregnancy I Had Brown Cervical Mucus Yesterday Now Nothing, Implantation? When Should A Pregnancy Test Show Positive?

I had brown cervical mucus yesterday now nothing, implantation? When should a pregnancy test show positive? - egg white cervical mucus early pregnancy

I had my last period on 19 March my periods are sometimes too late, on time, but may take up to one week, because I better go on the pill 8 months ago.
Yesterday morning I took my 7 hours cervical cancer check every day and found that there is a thick brown mucus Gunky with small red spots.
I am not a further test 2 hours later, and there were no brown mucus, as usual, pale mucus that was yesterday. Today is not coffee, but very few expandable type protein cm.
My neck is medium / low a little softer than yesterday, and hermetically sealed. Was it implantation bleeding?
When this cycle was 28 days pay in the future.
I took my BBT and this (apart from my cm / position of the cervix) confirmed that ovulation 20th April 8 (days)
I took a pregnancy test early and denial. But when I held him in a certain light, and take from me, I'm sure I can see a faint line on your own. Or it could be evaporation or fantasy?
Thank you to everyone who react too xxx


Baby 5 due in January. said...

You can always test it now, I want to use first thing in the morning at this point. If you've seen a positive attitude, I would say that she is pregnant and that the hormone is sufficient for the test to detect it. EPT brand used 2 days before I with my last two pregnancies and both were found in the day. With this child, I tried a test less expensive and has a negative impact of the first $ 2 or 3 times only later to a positive outcome. This could well be the introduction of the bodies that have seen you. I wish you good luck, and I would be willing to say: Congratulations!

juju said...

It may take up to two months time to show a positive test result! Good luck! Baby Powder ~

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